LOS ANGELES - Following a successful partnership during the 2021-'22 academic year, LA Civil Rights and Cal State LA students teamed up for a second LA For All collaboration. Undergraduate students in Zachary Vernon's and Noami Duckworth's Concept Development course designed their own take on the department's LA For All campaign, standing up to hate through creativity and solidarity.
Twenty-six unique works were published today as a result of the partnership, in which students - mostly sophomores and juniors - conceived, designed and published their own version of the anti-hate PSA campaign. LA For All has been translated into 19 languages and featured on over 5,000 ad spaces in Greater LA.
The partnership is a continuation from 2021-'22, when the first group of students designed their own LA For All campaign. Those works were later showcased in a student art show at Cal State LA's library during LA For All Week.
Each of these twenty-six designs shows a unique vision of Los Angeles from the perspective of diverse students. Together, they showcase the vibrant diversity in Los Angeles and a future of solidarity and community that's possible.
LA Civil Rights thanks the students, as well as Cal State LA professors Zachary Vernon and Noami Duckworth, for lending their talent to envisioning an LA For All.