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Dolores Huerta Visits LA Civil Rights Department

Posted on 05/26/2023
Group photo of LA Civil Rights and Dolores Huerta

On May 25, 2023, civil rights icon Dolores Huerta visited LA Civil Rights Department and signed the "Heroes Wanted" mural, a public artwork in the department's offices that honors leaders who fought for civil and human rights throughout history. 

Dolores Huerta fought alongside Cesar Chavez and Larry Itliong to create the United Farmworkers in the 1960s, one of the nation's first unions for migrant farmworkers and farmworkers of color. Most California farmworkers at that time were Latino and Filipino, and Dolores' leadership paved the way for fair wage and labor safety for thousands of farmworkers in California. The movement to create United Farmworkers inspired a larger Chicano rights movement in education, public access and more.

Thank you to Ms. Huerta for inspiring us to keep fighting at LA Civil Rights! ¡Sí Se Puede!

Dolores Huerta signing Heroes Wall mural
Dolores Huerta and LA Civil Rights Executive Director Capri Maddox photo next to "Heroes Wanted" mural
Dolores Huerta walking to LACR office


LA Civil Rights Executive Director Capri Maddox and General Manager Claudia Luna photo in front of LACR office
Dolores Huerta LA Civil Rights group photo