"To be able to include communities, we have to think of those groups that are underrepresented. One of those being the Deaf community, which is the group that I decided to focus on. I wanted to bring a feeling of the 60’s-70’s hippie era with the usage of the varying colors and symbols to portray the message of belonging and inclusivity. The main symbol of the poster being the word “Belong” in sign language, with the written word on top of the design. I also used the quote “Grow with the Flow” as another extension of the message for improving ourselves while staying true to the vibe of the flowing movement of the symbols and background. The hands were made out of a type of blob with the significance of expressing that sign language expresses itself by the constant change of shapes and its evolution of movement and flow. Some of the symbols in the background include hands making the sign for “I love you”, and other known symbols like flowers, happy faces, the sun, and stars. Which are known to be mostly used in the hippie movements to advocate for nonviolence and love, and promote openness and tolerance." -- Natalia Campillo