Los Angeles is one of the most diverse cities on Earth. We at LA Civil Rights believe that diversity is our strength, and it must be cherished and protected. That includes preventing and responding to hate crimes and hate incidents.

What is a Hate Crime?
A hate crime is any criminal act or attempted criminal act directed against a person or persons based on someone's actual or perceived race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or gender. Hate crimes can include (but are not limited to) threats of violence, injury, and property damage.
What is a Hate Incident?
Hate incidents are similar to hate crimes in that the act is directed against a person or persons based on the victim’s actual or perceived race, nationality, religion, sexual orientation, disability or gender. The difference between a hate incident and a hate crime is that a hate incident is not a criminal act. Hate incidents can include (but are not limited to) hate flyers or language distributed or posted in a public space and hate graffiti in public places not directed against a specific target, such as an epithet on a vacant building.
What are the Resources?
- Report to LAPD
If you, or someone you know, experienced a hate crime report it to 9-1-1, or calling the LAPD Tip Line at 877-529-3835.
For hate incident, you can also report it to LAPD online. Reporting hate is important because it provides the City with accurate data, which can inform services. Visit their website for more information.- Report to 3-1-1/LA City
Report a hate crime or hate incident using 3-1-1. City of Los Angeles residents can now report hate crimes and hate incidents by calling 3-1-1, visiting myla311.lacity.org, or using the MyLA311 app on their Apple or Android device. You can report anonymously and be provided access to further community-based and crisis care resources.
- Report to 2-1-1/LA County
Report a hate crime or hate incident to LA County. Los Angeles County collects reports regarding hate crimes, hate incidents, and bias-motivated behavior. By filing a report as a victim, witness, or advocate for a victim of hate crimes, hate acts, or bullying, reporters will be referred to resources in their local community and have the option to receive personalized follow up from a 211 care coordinator. Information can be submitted anonymously online, by calling 2-1-1, or by calling (800) 339-6993.
- Community Resources
- American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee 202-244-2990
- Anti-Defamation League 800-446-2684 or 310-446-8000
- Report anti-Semitism to ADL: https://www.adl.org/reportincident
- Armenian Bar Association 818-660-6898
- Asian Americans Advancing Justice LA
- Central American Resource Center
- Coalition of Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles (CHIRLA) (Spanish and English languages spoken) 213-353-1333
- Japanese American Citizens League (JACL) 213-626-4471
- JQ (LGBTQ+ Jewish organization) 855-574-4577 (855-JQI-HLPS)
- LA vs Hate
- Los Angeles Urban League 323-299-9660
- Mexican-American Bar Association
- Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF)
- Mexican-American Opportunity Foundation
- Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC) 323-258-6722
- National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) 323-938-5268
- National Asian Pacific American Bar Association (NAPABA) Hate Crimes Task Force
- National Council of La Raza, Washington, DC
- National Association of Latino Elected Officials, Los Angeles
- Lambda Legal (Los Angeles) 213-382-7600
- LA LGBT Center 323-993-7400
- Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office LGBTQ Outreach and Advocacy Program: 213-978-4537
- LAPD Safe Place
- Stop AAPI Hate
- CA State Resources
- Victim Assistance Resources
- Los Angeles: The City of Los Angeles City Attorney's Office has a Victim Assistance Program available in 14 languages with resources for victims of crime, including hate crimes. Resources include mental health counseling, support for income loss or injury, and much more. Click here to learn more.
- California: The State of California has a Victim Compensation Board and Crime Victim Compensation Fund to properly administer funds to victims of hate crimes. Learn more here. Watch a presentation on the California Department of Justice Victims’ Services Unit here.
- Legal Resources
- California Attorney General's Victims' Services Unit: (877) 433-9069
- California Department of Fair Employment and Housing: (800) 884-1684
- California Victim Compensation Board: (800) 777-9229
- U.S. Department of Justice, Community Relations Services: (202) 305-2935
- Click here to find your Local District Attorney's Office
- AAPI-language videos
The Los Angeles Police Department has provided informational videos about hate crimes, hate incidents, and how victims can report hate and get help. Please see the videos in various languages below:
- Online Harrasment
Being harassed online is never ok, and the iHollaback HeartMob is here to support you. Find a toolbox of resources for stopping online hate here and learn more at www.ihollaback.org.
- Resources for City Employees, Interns & Contractors
The City of Los Angeles has developed MyVoiceLA for current and former City employees, contract workers, interns and volunteers, commissioners, elected and appointed officials, and applicants for City employment who are seeking more information about their rights and responsibilities relating to discrimination, harassment, and/or retaliation.
If you believe you have been subjected to discrimination, harassment and/or retaliation, you can use this portal to submit a complaint at https://myvoicela.org/.
What Can I Do?

Whether you are the victim of hate crime or incident, a witness, or an ally looking to help, there is a resource for you. LA Civil Rights is committed to ensuring everyone in Los Angeles is informed of their rights and resources in order to live free from hate. Check out the various ways to get involved below.