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LACSW President Jackie Filla on the fall of Roe v. Wade

LOS ANGELES - On June 24, the Supreme Court of the United States struck down Roe v. Wade  and Casey v. Planned Parenthood, two landmark cases which provided constitutional protection for women seeking abortions. The decision allows individual states to outlaw abortion for the first time in 50 years. Following the decision, President Jackie Filla of the Commission on the Status of Women gave the following statement: 

"Today's Supreme Court decision does nothing to change abortion rights in the City of Los Angeles. Women and girls will still have access to safe and legal abortions in our city. Today's decision does roll back 50 years of precedent and a fundamental right for millions of women across the United States. It was the wrong decision, and one that will harm women of color, low income women, and young women the most. We stand with women and their right to shape their future, and we remain undeterred in protecting the right to safe and legal abortions."

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