"A Home in which means safety, welcoming, and most of all coming together. The things in which were chosen in my mood board represents what a home is suppose to be. Flowers in which brings a hidden meaning for a family and how beauty is never perfect, a map of LA county showing the different areas in which many people live in, a warm color pallete in which shows what the feeling of home is. The lanters represent not only a guidance in life, but with the different shapes and form it shows the different types of bodies out there. The hands of the roof shows not only the different types of skin color, but also a bond between one another. A helping hand when needed and most of all a sign of support that we can give. The simple things can show so many representation about what makes home...well home. The term “Home Sweet Home” gives the message of even when you are far away there is only one place where you call home." -- Jescee Vi